Patients & Families
Learn About Child Health Services and Your Patient Rights
What do we offer?
- Health supervision for your child birth to 18 years of age
- Well Child Physical Examinations
- Sick Child Care
- Immunizations
- Speech, Hearing, Vision and Developmental Screenings
- Lead Testing and Laboratory Services
- Behavioral Health Management
- Health and Nutritional Teaching
- Support Program Referrals
- 24-hour Medical Response
- Same Day Sick Appointments
The clinic is in operation Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Patient visits are scheduled appointments and we ask our families to arrive at least 10 minutes early for check-in. If you need to schedule, reschedule or cancel an appointment, please call the clinic right away at (330) 453-3386. After regular business hours, you may leave a message on the clinic’s voicemail or with the answering service for a member of our staff or medical team. If your child has forms that need completed, please allow at least 48 hours for our providers to complete them. We suggest that you call first to make sure the forms are completed and the doctor has signed them. In the event that your child has had a lead screen, the results of these are recorded one time per week.
- We will attempt to contact the family to remind them of their child’s scheduled appointment. This is a courtesy, so please record your appointments and do not depend upon this call as a reminder.
- We request that only a parent/caregiver remain with the child in the exam room. All other visitors will be asked to remain in the waiting room.
- Once placed in an exam room, please remain in the room with the door closed. This is to protect your privacy and the privacy of other patients.
- No food, beverages or cell phones are permitted in the waiting room or exam room. The only exception is for an infant with a bottle.
- We may ask to see your insurance card at each visit. If you do not have it with you, you may expect delays as we will have to verify your coverage.
- Children that do not have medical coverage may be eligible for reduced fees. Families must complete a financial assessment and have proof of income. If proof of income is not provided, the family may be charged full fees. Insurance co-pays are due at the time of service.
- We expect families to treat our staff with respect and courtesy. If you have a complaint or issue with a member of our staff, we will address your concern and provide solutions to avoid any issues in the future.
- If you are the custodial parent and someone else is responsible for the child’s medical bills, you must make arrangements with the responsible party for payment. The clinic does not bill 3rd party individuals or get involved with domestic arrangements.
- We discourage walk in appointments. If you arrive without an appointment, you will be scheduled for the first available time slot on our schedule.
- If a patient is more than 20 minutes late, we may have to reschedule the appointment. All families/patients who arrive late will be offered the next available time slot on our schedule. If a family has more than one child scheduled, and is more than 20 minutes late, we may have to reschedule all children’s appointments to the next available group of time slots.
- Scheduling priorities will be given to sick children.
- Tell the pediatrician your health concerns early in your visit. Don’t wait until the doctor is about to leave the room. These concerns may affect diagnosis or treatment plan.
- If you need to cancel an appointment, please call our office or you may leave a message after hours, if necessary.
It is the policy of the Margaret B. Shipley Child Health Clinic, Inc., to respect patient/family rights in all aspects of the provision of care.
Respect of Person
Clinic personnel and the patient/family have a right to mutual respect and dignity. The patient/family has the right to expect relationships with providers that are based on honesty and ethical standards of conduct.
Patient/family services will be provided for all persons without regard to race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or age.
Each patient/family has the right to have their personal opinions, feelings, privacy and property respected.
Respect of Quality
The patient/family has the right to expect and receive quality care. The patient/family has the right to expect that all care will be provided by appropriately trained, licensed and supervised personnel.
Control of Care
The Clinic believes it is in the interest of the patient/family to be informed and to approve all care that is provided. The patient/family has the right to refuse any aspect of care or request a change in personnel without fear of reprisal or recrimination.
The patient/family can expect complete confidentiality with regard to information shared about personal health, social and financial situations, and to expect the Clinic to release information only as required by law, HIPAA Standards or authorized by the patient/family. The patient/family has the right to access their medical information.
The patient/family has the right to be informed of the charges for which the patient/family may be liable, and receive this information within a reasonable amount of time. The patient/family has the right to access their financial account history.
RIGHT TO COMPLAIN In the event that the patient/family is not satisfied with some aspect of care delivered, they have the right to file a complaint with the Clinic. The patient/family has the right to know the disposition of such complaints, and to voice their grievance without fear of discrimination or reprisal.
We see all children regardless of ethic background or social status. If you have medical coverage, we will ask to see your card to verify that information at each visit. If you do not have medical coverage, you will be asked to complete a financial form and prove income. Your child will not be refused care due to inability to pay.
*We see all children regardless of ethic background or social status. If you have medical coverage, we will ask to see your card to verify that information at each visit. If you do not have medical coverage, you will be asked to complete a financial form and prove income. Your child will not be refused care due to inability to pay.

The clinic accepts Medicaid, Medicaid HMOs and most private insurances. We are a BCMH provider and can offer care to children who have medical handicaps. Families who are uninsured or underinsured may receive reduced fees, based on a sliding scale, according to their ability to pay for service.
Click here to view the 2021 Sliding Fee Scale